Instant Laser
Type: Weak laser beam.
Performance: Instantly spreads out in a specified direction.
Damage: 15-20.
Energy Required: 40.
Reload time: 6s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to damage.
Crawling Laser
Type: Powerful energy clot.
Performance: Slowly moves in a specified direction.
Damage: 75-90.
Energy Required: 40.
Reload time: 6s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to damage.
Repair Beam
Type: Repair beam.
Performance: Slowly spreads out in a specified direction. Restores some minibots and shield of any ship it hits.
Durability restored: 10.
Energy Required: 40.
Reload time: 12s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to restoration of durability.
Blinding Beam
Type: Laser beam.
Performance: Instantly spreads out in a specified direction. Blinds the ship’s hardware so the target loses the ability to see the other player's ship.
Damage: 15-25.
Energy Required: 50.
Reload time: 12s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to effect's duration.
Type: Powerful beams with energy clot.
Performance: Slowly spreads out in all directions.
Damage: 75-90.
Energy Required: 50.
Reload time: 9s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to damage.
Fast Repair Beam
Type: Repair beam.
Performance: Instantly spreads out in a specified direction. Restores some minibots and shield of any ship it hits.
Restores durability: 10.
Energy Required: 50.
Reload time: 12s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to restoration of durability.
Death Laser
Type: Short and very powerful laser beam.
Performance: Spreads out towards the larger part of the imaginary quarter of the screen. Clears out a sector in front of the player's ship, destroying everything in its way.
Moves up or down from the specified point.
Damage: 60-90 / second.
Energy Required: 99.
Reload time: 12s.
Flame Volley adds 50% to damage.